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Curriculum Intent

The curriculum at Hall Green School actively sets out to develop learners who will embody our school values of compassion, ambition, responsibility and excellence. It is broad and balanced and designed to give pupils the knowledge, skills and self-belief that they need to succeed in adult life. Strong relationships are at the heart of all that we do, and the curriculum is fully inclusive, enabling all children to achieve, overcoming whatever barriers to learning they face and developing aspiration for their future.

Our curriculum is designed to give the maximum opportunity to disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND. All pupils are able to study the whole national curriculum, while many activities and visits are offered to develop pupils’ cultural capital. A broad range of extra-curricular activities is offered, which aim to develop, especially for our disadvantaged pupils, confidence, belonging and the opportunity to develop further in their areas of interest.

The wider curriculum includes personal, social, health and economic education, including all statutory aspects of RSHE, as well as citizenship, delivered through a combination of timetabled lessons, special events and the school’s assembly programme. Through this and through every aspect of school life, we aim to help pupils to understand the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance and mutual respect, as well as becoming active and engaged citizens through activities such as charity fundraising.

At the end of year 9, each pupil has an individual interview to help them to select three option subjects for study at key stage 4. Whilst different pathways are available which are appropriate to the needs of different pupils, everyone has the opportunity to follow the English Baccalaureate. In addition, they can choose from a wide range of technological, creative, practical and vocational subjects.

Our careers provision includes trips, activities, support mechanisms, specialist advice sessions and exposure to employers and workplaces. It begins in year 7 and is developed every year through to year 11. We aim that every pupil leaves Hall Green fully informed about the further educational opportunities available to them and with the highest aspirations for their own future success.

Curriculum Subjects